Monday, May 31, 2010

I am so so tired but I wanted to get this out before tomorrow catches me off guard and I forget.

Today was a perfect day. I want to somehow capture it and keep today around just a little bit longer. The funny thing is that even though it felt perfect, there were things about it that went wrong... sunburned shoulders, financial stress, whining. But today, none of it mattered. The boys woke up super early, but it gave me the chance to go shopping with my mom. Then we spent the day visiting friends and playing in the pool. The weather was amazing and the boys had a blast.

So when someone invents a way to stop time and capture little pieces to relive, I'm going to pick today.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Me: I love you & wish you would listen and obey.
Monkey: Mommy, I love you too...and just I wish you would understand me.

Me too, kiddo, me too.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

After almost a week of not feeling well, I finally broke down and went to the doctor yesterday. I was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection... not cool but also not unexpected. Thanks to my husband, sister & a wonderful friend, I was able to get some rest. Enough to handle things when Wil brought the boys home early because Bug threw up. He's now napping. Monkey is sitting on me, eating goldfish and watching Rocky & Bullwinkle.

And honestly I'm not sure where I was going with this... maybe that means I need to go back to bed.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Little Man's Sunday school teacher graduated from college last week & moved back to Colorado. Tonight when he said his prayers I caught this:

"Thank you for Miss Mandy that she can live happily ever after."

We miss you, Mandy!

Monday, May 3, 2010

We have church from 11 til 2. It usually isn't too bad. We don't have to rush to be out the door in the morning, meetings don't start at the crack of dawn and we still have some part of the day left after church. But in order for it to work I have to stay on top of things.

Yesterday, I was so not on top of things... Bug had a really late nap. Wil & I both fell asleep on the couch watching Veggie Tales with Little Man. This led to a late dinner and even later bedtime.

Today I'm paying the price... a rainy Monday with really grumpy boys. Please send chocolate or a nice long nap.