Monday, April 12, 2010

Growing Pains

I'm not even sure how to cover the last few weeks. Some days it feels like I needed to quit my job because life was about to get C.R.A.Z.Y.

We took Little Man back to the doctor for his follow-up appointment for the breathing treatments. He was all clear! No more breathing treatments. No more signs of wheezing. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case with Bug and he came home with his very own "spaceman" mask. There are no pictures to document this, because it became a HUGE fight to get him to sit still with the mask on his face for the 15-20 minutes needed to get all the medicine in his system. It was exhausting. Luckily, it did the trick and the nebulizer has been put away.

Wil has a new calling at church, Young Men's President. It requires a lot of time. My calling can be time consuming as well and we're still learning how to balance it all.

Wil's full time job is also changing... to what? We have no idea.

We were able to see dear friends get sealed in the Washington, DC Temple for time and all eternity:
We celebrated Zizi's birthday with a fun dinner, but unfortunately no pictures.

In an effort to help out some of our family, I spent 8 hours in the car in one day, never going more than 2 hours away from home. We picked up my great Aunt, stopped at home, took her to Harrisburg and headed to Tremont to see Wil's cousin who had just returned from Iraq. Little Man was with me the whole time. Wil and Bug joined us for 5 hours of the trip. I was glad to help and happy that we got some moments like this out of the "adventure"**:
The cousins drove up to visit while they were on Spring Break:
We enjoyed General Conference and Easter weekend (pictures to follow).

I got so sick of my hair that I went from this:

To this:

We turned the water to the hose on after the long cold winter and found a pipe that had frozen. Unfortunately we didn't find it until water started flooded out from under the baseboards in the play room. Luckily, we think the builder will cover a good deal of the damage. It also means that the carpet is all torn up and we can't send the boys downstairs to play.

The house is a mess and I look at the calendar and think it could be weeks before I even have a chance to catch up. I keep thinking we are handling all of this fairly well, at least until something minor happens and I react like my 4 year old. So if there are days (or weeks) when you don't hear from us, you'll know why. We'll be taking it a day at a time and trying to smile and enjoy some of this craziness!