Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I was so excited to come home and catch up. That is until fate derailed my plans. Fate in this case is also known as a monster case of food poisoning. As we were waiting in the airport for our flight home from Dallas, we were contemplating dinner options. Realizing we were going to be on the plane during that crucial hour, we wanted to be well prepared. So off I went in search of a quick, easy maybe even healthy meal. I found an Uno To Go and thought I had hit the jackpot... a sandwich, pizza, salad, and banana for Bug. Unfortunately around lunchtime yesterday we were faced with the following: Little Man cried hard when asked to eat his hot dogs for lunch and then ASKED to take a nap. He woke up about an hour later, crying that his belly hurt. This was repeated for the next four hours until we moved to the couch, where he promptly threw up. I was up with him on and off most of the night and thank goodness he seemed to be fine this morning. Now it's my turn. I wish I could get it over with so I could get rid of this nasty nauseous dizzy feeling creeping through my body.


Heidi Totten said...

Yuck! That's awful! I hope that all of you feel better quickly!

Amy said...

I'm so sorry! That doesn't seem fair after a fun vacation. Little Man really ASKED to take a nap? Poor baby. I hope you are ALL feeling better soon. I'm so sorry. :( Oh, nausea is the absolute worst.

Unknown said...

I hope you and Adam get better quick!