Thursday, May 14, 2009

Is there such a thing as being too responsible?

Part of me has always dreamed of being one of those people who could fly by the seat of their pants… be super spontaneous… pick up and go without a thought. Weekend trips to who knows where. Last minute trips with the kids to explore someplace new.

I’m not. Not at all. I’m a Planner – with a capital P. I have to figure out all the little details of how it will work and how it will affect all parties involved. For me, being spontaneous often feels like I’m being irresponsible. And being irresponsible is not an option… not for an oldest child and definitely not for a mommy with strong willed children.

Every once in while though, a thought will pop into my head. Something seemingly irresponsible, but super fun. It usually involves visiting someone or someplace that I love. (One of these thoughts ended me with student loans and 2 weeks in Germany. It was oh so worth it!) Last night one of these thoughts started to brew. It won’t go away. Not that I’m pushing hard for it to leave. It’s there tossing and turning. Trying to convince my husband that it’s ok. We’ll see how this turns out. If I can make it work.

My fingers are crossed.

1 comment:

Kristyn said...

You should PLAN for a relaxing Friday - is that possible with little ones - ha ha!