Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Drumroll Please!

We're moving.
To West Virginia! (insert joke here)
Sunday we'll be driving up to Martinsburg to look at this townhouse (the Tyler with the rear kitchen). A lot of the details are still up in the air, but the move will be a good thing and we are really excited. Things are moving REALLY fast. We just found out on Thursday that Wil is being transferred up there for work and now we're contemplating our first home. My head is spinning!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


After watching Winnie the Pooh on Tuesday, Little Man wanted to try some honey. Thinking of the mess that he would make with plain honey I offered to make him a Pooh Bear Sandwich (peanut butter and honey on wheat bread). He ATE THE WHOLE THING. My child who doesn't like peanut butter and won't eat sandwiches. I cannot tell you how excited I was or how this expands our lunchtime options. Quick, easy and relatively healthy. It still makes me happy.

to keep you in suspense

I just realized that it's been a week since I blogged. I'm a big slacker. But there are some crazy fun things going on here that I can't really talk about yet. So stay tuned and as soon as I know more, I'll fill you in.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Please, shoot me in the head

I'm in charge of an event for this weekend. I have to be at a wedding at the same time. The event is outside at a construction site. The driveway hasn't been paved and when dry the DIRT is bright RED. It's been raining for a month and this is the forcast for this weekend. It's supposed to rain for 12 hours straight before the event starts.

I want to cry.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Halloween in June?

Zee and I have started thinking about Halloween costumes.... I know it's a bit early, but we've had some BIG ideas that would have required some sewing and crafting. But we've come up with an idea that will involve the WHOLE family and I'm so excited. Now we just have to collect the right clothes.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My birthday wish list

  • The cool clock from Target that they don't carry online so I can't show you a picture of it's awesomeness. Sorry.
  • SHOES!
  • New make-up
  • This book
  • a couple days with Wil and NO kids
  • Yummy dinner at someplace like this or this
  • a 4th of July weekend without stress!!! (i know this is a pipedream)
  • a sunny day spent at the pool
  • Land's End tote
  • This cool list pad:

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What's Up Doc?

A few months ago Little Man decided that he DOES NOT like carrots. There are few foods he won't eat (especially if they've been dipped in ranch) so I didn't really push it. Then 2 new things entered his life.... Bugs Bunny and the farm. If we aren't careful he will watch Bugs for hours. And with our recent road trips, he has. Then the farm sent us carrots. Little ones with long green leaves.

Little Man pulled one out of the fridge last week and said "Look, Mom, I'm Bugs Bunny!" Took a big bite, smiled, and said, "What's up doc?". Then ate ALL of the carrots. I think I love Bugs too.

The farm

I don't have a green thumb. Could be because my dad is a landscaper and wouldn't let us touch, much less try to plant, anything in our yard growing up. Plus apartment living, even in a residential neighbor, makes gardening more difficult. So in an effort to eat healthier this summer, we bought a share in a farm. This is "our" farm:

Isn't it pretty? We sure do like it... especially because every other Tuesday we stop and pick up our "share". And each week it's a complete surprise. This is the hard part. We have NO input on what gets planted and now that we've spent the money I don't want food to go to waste in my fridge. This means that every other Tuesday I have to come up with meals that work with the veggies we've gotten. For the next few weeks it's gonna be KALE. So here's my request for any recipe you might have (and LIKE) that calls for kale. Please! Pretty please help me put the 2 lbs of kale in my fridge to good use.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Nasty. Seriously Gross.

We bought this highchair when Little Man needed one, thinking of saving space, the ease of something smaller, etc. I did not look at in terms of cleaning. BIG mistake. HUGE. It's now on baby #2. And Bug is learning to feed himself. Not only is the highchair gross, but the wooden chair underneath it is even worse. Taking the whole thing off of the chair to clean doesn't happen as often as it should. This morning I tackled this feat and it was nasty. So gross in fact that I'm ready to pack the kids in the van, drive the hour to IKEA and purchase this:
Doesn't it look so nice and CLEAN! I think $20 is worth it.