Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dear Santa

Little Man has been asking for a dog for the last year and we've been putting him off. Mostly by increasing his collection of stuffed animals. Now he's telling people that Santa is bringing him a REAL dog for Christmas. For CHRISTMAS!!!!! I don't know what to do. Do I hope that he doesn't remember? Do we risk his disappointment on Christmas morning? Should Santa start looking at a dog that will fit well with our family, just in case?



Heidi Totten said...

Don't do it. josh has been asking for one for years and I have told him that sometimes Santa brings what we want, and sometimes he brings what we need.

Anonymous said...

If a dog is all he has asked for I think you have two options. One, explain that dogs are for big boys and girls, capable of providing the care necessary for one (feeding, neutering, poopy patrol, walking, annual vet care, etc). The second choice is deciding if you all really want a dog and if so may I suggest a Boston Terrier. Sweet, family-oriented, affable, and generally laid back, calm, and don't need a ton of room or exercise.

Amy said...

Yeah, best not to start this young with the expectation that Santa brings every single item we want. I hear dogs at Christmas are a bad idea all around. Maybe a certificate to VISIT some dogs at the Humane Society?


Two words: robot dog.

Jen said...

Just think about what you'd say if he then asks for a horse next year...

Maybe you can say that Santa clears all pet requests with parents, since they have to take care of the pets.

Mimi said...

Wow you have some very wise friends. I really like the comment about what do you do next year when he wants a horse!

But on the other hand if you are so inclined I vote for the dog that Brian is talking about. I would say a Sheltie for many of the same reasons but they are not always calm. As Wil well knows. :)