Tuesday, February 23, 2010

We are working on Little Man's pre-K applications. The program at his elementary school is a peer modeling program. Does anyone have any experience with this type of program? Thoughts? Suggestions? I'm having a hard time finding information on the pros and cons for the "peer" children who are in the classes with the special needs kids.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Generally when I was taking classes to work with special needs a peer was an older classmate who volunteered to assist the student with special needs. The studies show that special bonds form that benefit both children. The older student is often the champion of the younger students but it can work both ways at times. The student with special needs often learn faster from a child than from a classroom teacher due to the need to share and the dynamics of the group of the room. Another benefit is that the older children are able to model acceptable behavior to the younger children and the children who are older whom might not have an understanding heart. Hence less picking on the younger children and children with special needs. I believe it is a win win situation.