Friday, May 15, 2009

Sunday morning, bright and early, Zee and I are taking the boys to the beach for 3 full days of rest, relaxation (as much as there can be with a toddler and a preschooler) and SUN. We'll be staying with our bestest friends and letting the boys be boys. My list of things I have to accomplish before I go is daunting (and causing my backs to have stress induced spasms) but we'll get there one way or another.

Oh and did I mention there would be sun? and a beach? (and maybe some muscle relaxers?)

1 comment:

Lin said...

don't worry, everyone. I will be free of muscle relaxers. :)

and I love that we are just picking up and doing's so not us. yay for being spontaneous and yay for getting our much deserved vacation!