Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Buggy Boy

Today is Bug's second birthday and the last two years have gone by way too fast. He's such a little boy now... there's not much baby left.

For his birthday I thought I would make a list of 24 of his favorite things:
  1. his pacifier
  2. Yo Gabba Gabba
  3. strawberries
  4. singing happy birthday
  5. backpacks
  6. having the whole family at home
  7. Penny kitty (a stuffed white kitten that used to be Lindsey's)
  8. "I no no" (I don't know)
  9. his bibi and bob
  10. mac and cheese
  11. Thomas the Tank Engine
  12. Bubba (brother)
  13. bathtime!
  14. "NACK!", said in a loud growly voice means he would like a snack.
  15. capes
  16. yogurt
  17. shoes
  18. All the Single Ladies
  19. cuddles
  20. whatever Bubba has
  21. books
  22. pancakes
  23. Lightening McQueen
  24. Hiding
Happy Birthday, DoodleBug


Jen said...


He is such a beautiful boy!


That was fun to read!
Happy Birthday, Bug!