Sunday, July 11, 2010

Since we took away Bug's bedtime pacifier a few weeks ago, bedtime has become a nightmare. The boys share a room and will play/fight/irritate each other for hours to avoid sleeping. We've had to get both creative and harsh with them... it's no fun.

Tonight was bad and after an hour & a half of doling out the punishments, Wil took away everything. They each had a pillow and a blanket, but all of their stuffed animals, extra blankets and their beloved blankies were gone. The hallway was piled high. Things soon quieted down and the boys went to sleep.

About half hour ago we went in to tuck them in and give them back their blankies (mostly because I want them to sleep through the night). We discovered both boys in one toddler size bed, legs dangling over the edges, taking care of each other. It was such a sweet sight.

Sometimes it's nice to be reminded that they can do more than be naughty & mean to one another... and that when things are hard they'll stick together. I sure do love those boys.

1 comment:

Kristyn said...

We have the same thing, it's so cute.