Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Naptime, Round 2

We are experiencing technical difficulties with naptime again. I think it's coming from cabin fever this time. We don't have a car during the day and are often stuck at home with very few options when it comes to playing outside.

Friday we were in the midst of Battle Naptime, when I had decided to surrender. It was 4 pm. Little Man was going to win this one and be freed from his crib. So I got his fresh sippy of juice, a clean diaper ready and walked into his (very quiet) room. This is what I found:

It was hard not to wake him up as I was trying to hold in the laughter and take pictures at the same time. I couldn't believe when he woke up that he managed to stay dry and not pee on anything.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Sometimes the children win the battles, and that's OKAY. And sometimes we just have to get naked in order to fall asleep!