Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Quest for the "Skinny" pants, Week 2

This week was really successful! I lost a LOT more than I had expected for the first week and I feel even more motivated to do well this week too. Even though I know I can't expect something as dramatic next week. But at this rate I will need to get new pants sooner than I had expected. Plus I'm really happy with Weight Watchers this week for a few reasons...

1. I get to eat real food. I can cook what I want and make it work within a healthy eating plan.

2. I'm more aware of what I'm putting in my mouth. Yes, it is a pain sometimes to have to figure out points, but it's nice to be able to plan for dinners out and the treats I crave.

3. When I'm done paying for their help and advice, I can still put it to good use because I don't have to buy their food or cut out whole food groups.

Right now I'm just happy that my clothes are getting too big.

(And can you tell that both kids are sleeping at the same time? Hence all the posting at one time.)


Heidi Totten said...

Wahoo! It's so great that you can do WW and nurse. That is a huge benefit of the plan.


Are you doing WW online or going to meetings? I've thought about doing that - I need to lose like 40 pounds of baby weight. Yikes!

Thanks for the tip on the books, do you have them all? I was looking at the "parenting your pretoddler" one. Let me know if that ones worth getting.

laurenthequeen said...

I'm doing the online program and I really like it. I've never done the points things before so it's forcing me to be really strict. But I have a lot of points each day because I'm nursing so I can still have some of the treats I crave. I do miss having the books and stuff that you can get at the meetings.

We have the newborn and pretoddler books. They are both good. I've been tempted to get the others, but haven't done it yet.