Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Quest for the "Skinny" pants, Week 1

Between morning sickness, the stomach flu and chasing a 2 year old, I was only 6 lbs. above my pre-pregnancy weight when I gave birth to Baby Bear. Believe me, this was not something I was trying to do and when I wasn't feeling sick, I ate whatever and whenever I wanted. This has never happened to me before and I'm sure it won't happen again soon (if ever).

When I went to the doctor for my 2 week check up, I had lost about 20 lbs. I couldn't believe it. I was SO happy. I'm wearing pants that I couldn't fit in before I got pregnant! It's amazing. So why the quest for skinnier pants? Because I'm nursing.

This might not sound like a problem to most, but for me it's huge. When I nurse, I am hungry ALL THE TIME. I get the munchies and cravings worse than when I'm pregnant. With Little Man, I gained 20 lbs while I was nursing and never could get it back off. Now it's off and I'm so afraid of putting it back on again. So... after much thought and consultation with my bestest husband, Weight Watchers is the answer. It lets me snack when I need to, cook our own food, control the grocery bill and still "cheat" if I'm really feeling the need. Hopefully the effects of trying to be better about what I eat will rub off on Wil as well. Mostly cause I do the shopping and cooking, so he doesn't have much choice (hence the consultation before doing this).

My goal isn't huge. For now, I would like to take off about 24 pounds. If I hit the 24 lb. mark and feel like I can keep going, I will. If not, then I want to maintain that weight until we decide to have another baby.

So now you will understand if I'm a little crazier than normal.


Heidi Totten said...

Crazier than normal. :) I'll let that go.

Weight Watchers really does work and it's awesome that you get so many points for nursing. :)

Amy said...

Groan, the nursing munchies! I was ravenously hungry nursing Yaks. It's hard to kick the mental habit of eating so much once you've stopped, I agree. I'm not familiar w/ weight watchers, but it sounds like (from heidi) they have a special plan for nursing moms. Cool! Good luck. Might I recommend Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches! They are YUMMY and low cal/low fat.

Trish and Matt said...

I ate ravenously while nursing--like you, even moreso than when pregnant. Sounds like you've got a great plan and I'm sure you'll be great.