Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Bloggity, Blog, Blog, Blog

It would take me a week to catch up on everything I want to blog about. Christmas with the family, Zee visiting, shopping, shopping and more shopping, so much to tell. Unfortunately, there is not enough time. We are leaving Saturday to spend 10 days with the Becker side of the family, the Biorns, Murray/Ramon and our friends in San Angelo. In the meantime, I'm trying to pack for a plane trip, road trip, Christmas presents and a wedding. So here are some highlights to the last week.

Bug had 3 firsts in the same day: first Christmas, first fall off the bed and first cat food. He loved everything but the rug rash from the carpet.

Little Man got a car from his Great-Grandma Elaine (my dad's mom). It's one of his favorite presents. When you push the button it lights up underneath, has hydraulics and plays "Low Rider". How long til I can make it disappear?

Little Man singing "frosty the snowman has a very shiny nose!"

Bug walking. Seriously. He doesn't take more than 2 or 3 steps at a time. But he's doing it all the time now.

Bug's words. He started picking up the phone and saying "he-wo". I'm biased and he's the cutest thing EVER.

Shopping with the girls. All day.

My new SEWING MACHINE that Santa surprised me with.

Little Man's new 'puter. It's a v-tech laptop. Wil couldn't believe that it was the first thing he wants to play with in the morning. What's that... like father, like son thing?

Zee waking up with the boys in the middle of the night. Sleep is amazing.

I better get back to work. Please don't be surprised if you don't get a Christmas card til February.

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