Monday, December 15, 2008

Short and Sweet

Because my to do list is creeping onto a second page, I've got to keep this quick. But of course I wanted to fill you in on our happenings this weekend.

Friday night was dinner with some of my friends from high school. Luckily Kristyn brought her camera and sums it up nicely on her blog. Check it out. (We had to get the babysitter home, so we missed the Vanilla Ice-capades.)

Little Man and Wil were getting ready for the Ward Christmas Party. Bug was very upset that he wasn't allowed in.

At the party, after they did a small program of the Christmas Story, some of the kids put Bug in the manger.

Yesterday after the kids napped (!!!!!), we headed to dinner with our friends/home teachers. Their daughter is a month older than Little Man and one of his best friends. He doesn't quite understand that she gets to go to Sunbeams and he doesn't. He's gonna be heartbroken.

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