Saturday, March 8, 2008


I am a big cheater. I will freely admit it and not feel guilty for it (at least not for now). Why? Because it means that I'm getting a 4 hour block of sleep each night. And, wow, what a difference that makes. Baby Bear has been a great sleeper so far and it's made the transition a lot easier on all of us. Since we were alone together for most of the 4 days we spent in the hospital, he got used to sleeping on my chest or on a pillow next to me in bed. It hurt to keep climbing out of bed to get him out of the bassinet. He's slowly learning to sleep by himself in his bassinet or in the swing, but at night he likes to be on his pillow between Wil and I. Some of you might not consider this cheating... but I've always been a HUGE advocate of everyone having their own bed. I still am. I'm sure that my "cheating" will make life more difficult at some point down the road. But for now, I'm grateful for my 4 hours.

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