Monday, March 31, 2008

Our Zizi

Tomorrow is a very big important day for my sissie - it's her birthday! Number 25 to be exact. Her life has been kinda crazy lately, so as an early birthday present I wanted to make sure she knows some of the reasons why we love her. 25 of them in no particular order:

1. singing in the car with "microphones"
2. cleaning/unpacking my apartment while I was in the hospital
3. teaching my kids to "flashdance"
4. meatballs!
5. not letting me dress like I'm stuck in the 80's, even though I am
6. movies that no other adult would be willing to watch with me
7. buying the soundtrack to above movies and see #1
8. blue baby
9. knowing the lyrics to every song imaginable
10. carrying Baby Bear through the grocery store so he wouldn't cry
11. showing up at our apartment with good movies and yummy snacks when I couldn't leave
12. visiting me, no matter how far away I went
13. listening to me, no matter how hormonal I might be
14. self portraits
15. eating m&m's in pairs, by color and throwing away the odd numbered ones
16. helping me laugh when I don't feel like it
17. "Pink!", "Blue!"
18. always being a good example of who I want to be, even though she's the baby sister
19. creativity - especially the cool stuff she makes for us
20. loving my kids like they are hers
21. being my best friend
22. not being afraid to be silly
23. willing to shop with me, even though she hates it
24. introducing me to pistachio ice cream with strawberries
25. she's the bestest sister in the whole wide world


Lin said...

no fair. you made me cry.

thanks, though. I love all of you!!

Amy said...

That's such a sweet tribute. How wonderful to have a sissie you are so close to.