Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Naptime, Round 3

I was talking to Zizi on the phone a few minutes ago and told her that I needed to go get Little Man ready for his N-A-P. Hoping of course that the spelling of the word would keep the naptime tantrum at bay for a few minutes. Nope. The next thing out of his mouth was, "No naptime, mommy!". Oh well.

He does really well with pretend naps though. This was earlier today...

It could have been the novelty of a nicely made bed with the new purple pillows. Notice too the Lightening McQueen slippers that haven't left his feet in days.


Amy said...

Amy's thought bubble: "That bed HAS to be Train's!"

Pretty shade of purple :) We should call this series: NAP WARS

Lin said...

he slippers that I'm almost positive don't really fit him anymore. it took me like five minutes to pry them onto his feet the other day.

laurenthequeen said...

They are totally too small. Do you want to be in charge of finding new ones? Maybe Lightening flip flops for the summer?