Friday, December 5, 2008

I wonder what's coming

It's 11:20 pm and I just got home. I'm exhausted. It's been a long day in a long and busy week. Here's how it went. The boys "slept in". They woke up at 7:30, but they didn't go to bed until almost 10 last night. Little Man threw a fit because I wouldn't let him have pink milk first thing in the morning. Bug threw a fit because he wanted Little Man's sippy cup instead of a bottle. I got them both fed and realized that we were down to our last clean bottle. I got the dishwasher started and noticed that I only had about 20 minutes to get us all dressed and out the door. Little Man was coloring quietly so I took the chance to get myself ready. When I came back out to the kitchen he had erased my white board calendar. (My phone/pda freaked out on Wednesday, the kitchen calendar was my back-up. I have no idea what I have scheduled next week. Please don't be surprised/offended if I don't show up somewhere next week. I mean, really, what were the chances that I would lose both at the same time.) I got both the boys dressed and out the door. We went to Music Makers and the Sprint store. As we were headed to get nuggets for lunch, Little Man got upset about something. I turned the car around when he told me to shut up for the third time in five minutes. We got home, had lunch and were playing until naptime. That's when Bug got himself STUCK IN THE BATHROOM. And when I say stuck... I mean REALLY STUCK.

He pushed to door opened - apparently it hadn't latched all the way - crawled in behind the door, pushed the door closed and started opening the drawers on the bathroom cabinet. The opened drawers made it impossible to open the door more than a couple inches. And he was still right up against the door. He would play happily until he would hear me, or feel the door move, then he would start to cry hard. After a few futile tempts to get the drawers closed, I called my dad. He came up from his basement office and figured it out in about 5 minutes. That's when we realized that Bug had been playing with a sample size bottle of mouthwash and it was open. There was a small puddle on the floor, his shoes and pants smell minty fresh. I didn't call Poison Control, maybe I should have. I did wonder at the fact that Little Man is almost 3 and we've never had a run in with anything potenially toxic, but Bug has managed it in 9 months.

Once that crisis was over, it was naptime.... GLORIOUS naptime. The evening has been busy with baby showers and trips to Wal-mart sans small children. Unfortunately, Bug's little escapade has left me wondering what's in store for the future. I'm sure being stuck in the bathroom is only the beginning.......


Amy said...

Oh, man...Calgon take me away! You deserve a break, my friend. I think Boo locked herself in the bathroom in that same manner - closed the door and then opened the drawer. She was hysterical and wanted out REAL BAD, but couldn't figure out that the drawer. I finally figured out how to stick a wire hanger in the door crack and nudge it closed.

Mimi said...

Thank goodness for your Dad! I will do my best to have everything ready for the Bug by January. LOL

Trish and Matt said...

Goodness! I've sure had days like that. It's good you blogged about it because one day you'll look back and laugh. For now, I'm glad you had someone around to free little Bug!

p.s. I love the new family pics you put up. They look great!

Dasha said...

I guess at some point one of the munchkins has to get themselves stuck in the bathroom. It was Spencer (our bug, he's had that nickname since forever!) and we had to take the door off because he had multiple drawers open and the way they slanted they were not going back in. Oh the adventures they bring.