Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Even though I should be working...

I find myself day dreaming of a few things. All of which surround our new house. My thoughts sound something like this:

"I really liked the bathroom in the model. Could I pull it off? Should I try it? There's no way i'm going to wallpaper. Paint the walls orange. Really? Orange. Is my husband going to kill me? But how would I get that cool wallpaper effect? Is it going to coordinate with my bedroom? I can't afford new bathroom stuff. What about the kitchen? Am I looking at too much vinyl lettering? What do I want to do first......"

My brain is on overload. Mostly, I need a central place to keep my ideas, so as the stars align and we can pick up things here and there, I'll remember where I wanted them to go.

The master bath:

This is a picture of how they've done the model. I love this wallpaper, but think it would be a nightmare. Zee suggested painting the room and adding something like this:

or this...

or this...

The two tone poppies and the big dandelion are my favorites right now.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Didn't Design Mom do a post on Contact Paper-like wallpaper that just peels right off the wall? I like the dandelion one as well.

Changes can be REALLY expensive and there are lots of other unexpected expenses that come with moving, so get a folder or something and start setting things aside as $ becomes available. Good luck!