Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Oh Boy, Those Boys!

Well, if you haven't talked with Lauren or myself you wouldn't know that they are both stressing about the move to WV. If you know our two Young Princes then you know that they are generally really good kids and that they are pretty amicable most of the time. The last 2 weeks have been driving me crazy and I only see the boys on evenings and weekends.

I have to admit that I don't know how my wife does it. She is amazing!!! I know every will agree with me on that statement, it is a fact. Still, I can only marvel at her ability to manage 3 cranky men at the end of a long day. I am grateful for her patience and finesse.

They did go to bed tonight pretty easily, considering they usually give Lauren h3ll when she is here. I wonder if Mommy goes to 'work' in the evenings if that will help them settle down and go to bed easier? Hmmm . . . well, it's just an idea wifey.

Big changes are coming to our little household, speaking of house pictures can be seen here.


1 comment:

Heidi Totten said...

Well, if she stops mid-sentence and says something like, "And....yeah." You know that there is a lot being left out and you might be in trouble. :)

Lauren rocks!