Right now I'm listening to Little Man throw a HUGE fit because he doesn't want to go to bed. I'm torn between wanting to let him cry it out and going up there to cuddle him to sleep because it breaks my heart to hear him like this and the screaming is like nails on a chalkboard to my nerves.
Tonight he went downstairs to play and came upstairs a while later with wet pants. (not ever a good thing) He told me that he had gone potty, which is a bit of a problem since there's not a bathroom downstairs. Unfortunately, I knew right away what had happened. Little Man discovered the utility closet and insists that it's a bathroom because there's a drain in the floor. So when I opened the doors, I was faced with an amazing spray of pee... all over the plastic hose cover, the ladder and the unfinished wall board (btw, is there a way to clean pee that has already soaked into the unfinished wall board or do i need to suck it up and paint it with KILZ?). I made Little Man clean it up himself (as much as I could for a 3 yr old.) and now I need to get a lock for the door. What is it with boys and pee? I don't get it.
On an up side...
- When I came down for breakfast this morning he was sitting at the table with Wil and said, "mommy, would you like to join us?" It was super sweet.
- He likes to tell me secrets, whispered into my ear and almost always it's "I love you".
- He sings. A lot. And makes up his own songs, like "the wise man built his choo choo upon the rock". But he also picks up what he hears Zee and I listening to. Today it was Backyardigans and the iCarly theme song (and yes I'm admitting to watching that show enough that my child knows the theme song).
- He picked out a bird feeder today and is eagerly waiting for the "burds" to come and visit. He does this by pounding on the sliding glass door by the feeder.
- He calls the mantis, Mrs. Mantis, and talks to her every time we go in or out. She's still creepy.
- At the farm market today, he saw their cows and happily announced to the store..."Look, Mommy, it's STEAK ON LEGS!"
And now he's asleep....
Monday, August 31, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
An uninvited guest

Sunday, August 23, 2009
That's how we roll
Today was our first official Sunday in our new ward. Between my parents visiting and Stake meetings it was the first time we really got to introduce ourselves and since I've been REALLY missing my old ward and our friends there, I was anxious to make a good first impression.
Wil asked Little Man to take our tithing to the Bishop. Just as Little Man walked away, envelope in hand, the Bishop stands up to conduct. While the Bishop is talking, Little Man makes it to the pulpit and turns around... not to come back to his seat, but because he has realized that there's a long ramp on the other side of the chapel. He quietly walks up the ramp to the Bishop, hands him the envelope, heads back to the ramp and decides to be a race car. I'm pretty sure you can imagine what that entails. A very nice sister grabbed him and pointed him back in the right direction. I may have been hiding under the pew and/or using my "whisper voice" to tell my husband to "please go get your son!"
In Sunday School, I got the giggles. It's Zee's fault.
In Relief Society, I was given the task of introducing Zee and I to the ladies (most of whom were MUCH older). I did the usual thing... this is where we're from, this is where our new house is, our kids, they often match so I can find them both, yeah... I think I ended the whole thing with "cause that's how we roll". I'm not sure where it came from. Zee said it was charming. I'm trying to believe her.
After Relief Society I was asked if Zee was my daughter. Now I realize that I've gotten that question before in my life, but it was when I was 11 and she was 1... it was a stretch then and now... seriously? I don't think I look that old.
Last of all, Zee had to remind me to pick up my kids from nursery. Little Man attached himself to one of the young women in our last ward. Each Sunday after sacrament meeting, she would come and get him, take him to the bathroom, drop him off in the nursery and then go to her class. After church she would go straight from her class to the nursery and would then come and find me. It was awesome. At some point I would have realized that it's now my job again.
I did sign up to bring cupcakes to Enrichment, that will make it all better... Right?
Wil asked Little Man to take our tithing to the Bishop. Just as Little Man walked away, envelope in hand, the Bishop stands up to conduct. While the Bishop is talking, Little Man makes it to the pulpit and turns around... not to come back to his seat, but because he has realized that there's a long ramp on the other side of the chapel. He quietly walks up the ramp to the Bishop, hands him the envelope, heads back to the ramp and decides to be a race car. I'm pretty sure you can imagine what that entails. A very nice sister grabbed him and pointed him back in the right direction. I may have been hiding under the pew and/or using my "whisper voice" to tell my husband to "please go get your son!"
In Sunday School, I got the giggles. It's Zee's fault.
In Relief Society, I was given the task of introducing Zee and I to the ladies (most of whom were MUCH older). I did the usual thing... this is where we're from, this is where our new house is, our kids, they often match so I can find them both, yeah... I think I ended the whole thing with "cause that's how we roll". I'm not sure where it came from. Zee said it was charming. I'm trying to believe her.
After Relief Society I was asked if Zee was my daughter. Now I realize that I've gotten that question before in my life, but it was when I was 11 and she was 1... it was a stretch then and now... seriously? I don't think I look that old.
Last of all, Zee had to remind me to pick up my kids from nursery. Little Man attached himself to one of the young women in our last ward. Each Sunday after sacrament meeting, she would come and get him, take him to the bathroom, drop him off in the nursery and then go to her class. After church she would go straight from her class to the nursery and would then come and find me. It was awesome. At some point I would have realized that it's now my job again.
I did sign up to bring cupcakes to Enrichment, that will make it all better... Right?
Friday, August 21, 2009
When I should be unpacking...
Instead I redesign my blog. Talk about procrastination. Or maybe it's having a project that I can finish in a short period of time. Unfortunately, I can't find the cord to get all the pictures off of our camera... and the memory card is full.
A lot of my projects are like that right now. I want to get z done, but first I have to do x & y but in order to do that I need just one more trip to the stuff-mart. Here's where you're thinking, "welcome to home ownership. the fun is just beginning." I get it. At the very least I get the need for a couch. Ours won't fit up the stairs.
And now I'm just getting whiny and complaining... which is part of the reason why this space has been neglected.
I'm not good with change and this one has been a doozy! So in an effort to fight off the "I don't like change or chaos and would like to hide in my bed" feeling, my background is now purple. And here are my top 10 things I'm grateful for today (in random order):
A lot of my projects are like that right now. I want to get z done, but first I have to do x & y but in order to do that I need just one more trip to the stuff-mart. Here's where you're thinking, "welcome to home ownership. the fun is just beginning." I get it. At the very least I get the need for a couch. Ours won't fit up the stairs.
And now I'm just getting whiny and complaining... which is part of the reason why this space has been neglected.
I'm not good with change and this one has been a doozy! So in an effort to fight off the "I don't like change or chaos and would like to hide in my bed" feeling, my background is now purple. And here are my top 10 things I'm grateful for today (in random order):
1. leftovers from one of my favorite dinners
2. finding things on sale (less than half price!)
3. knowing that a trip to the stuff-mart won't take me all day
4. seeing the kitchen counter tops
5. date night!
6. Netflix instant queue
7. a playroom
8. random you tube videos that make me laugh until I think I might wet my pants
9. hanging out with my sister
10. seeing a project get finished
2. finding things on sale (less than half price!)
3. knowing that a trip to the stuff-mart won't take me all day
4. seeing the kitchen counter tops
5. date night!
6. Netflix instant queue
7. a playroom
8. random you tube videos that make me laugh until I think I might wet my pants
9. hanging out with my sister
10. seeing a project get finished
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Movin' On Up
October 2004: Maryland to Texas. The day after we were married, Wil and I packed everything we could into the Corolla and drove back to Texas.
SuperBowl Sunday 2005: Texas to Maryland. Wil graduated earlier than planned and I hadn't been able to find a job in San Angelo, which prompted us to move back East and into my parents house. In retrospect, I could have stayed back here for 4 months and saved a ton of money. BUT I think in a lot of ways, that 4 months together in our own place solidified our relationship in ways that we couldn't have anticipated.
February/March 2007: The BIG Apartment. My parents started renovations to our house. There were 5 adults and a baby sharing one small bathroom. A friend in our ward offered us a temporary place to stay while the renovations were "finished".
May 2007: The Ghetto Apartment. Once it became painfully obvious that the renovations were far from being finished, we decided to find a small place to rent. We found a basement apartment with industrial flooring and a really tiny bathroom. Most of our stuff stayed in storage, but it was nice to have our own space.
November 2007: Back with the 'Rents. Six months pregnant, no longer able to fit in the shower at the ghetto apartment, and with the assurance that the apartment at my parents was only "weeks" away from being done, we decided to move back into my parents' house. Our bed was in the living room and there were again 5 adults sharing a bathroom.
February 2008: The "penthouse" apartment. During the renovations to their house, my parents added a two bedroom apartment above their garage. We moved in two weeks before Bug was born. It's beautiful - with hard wood floors, granite tile counter tops and a bathroom that felt like my very own day spa (especially being HUGE and having the super tiny ghetto bathroom so fresh in my memory).
August 2009: A place of our very own. We are no longer renting. If something goes wrong it's our problem to fix. We've painted and personalized, picked up a few less expensive things at Ikea. We have plans and ideas for things we want to do. We're also moving 5 people this time. Most of our moves up to this point have been local, with the bulk of our stuff staying in storage. We've grown our little family and with that comes STUFF. Holy cow... the stuff. It's amazing and overwhelming all at once. I can't wait to have a little time (am I really that delusional?) to unpack and get rid of some of the junk that has accumulated. Until then, I might just lay on the CARPETED floor of my very own house and stare at the boxes and pretty walls.
(ps. there are a few pictures of painted walls on Zee's blog. You can see them here. Also, adorable pics of the boys can be found here too.)
SuperBowl Sunday 2005: Texas to Maryland. Wil graduated earlier than planned and I hadn't been able to find a job in San Angelo, which prompted us to move back East and into my parents house. In retrospect, I could have stayed back here for 4 months and saved a ton of money. BUT I think in a lot of ways, that 4 months together in our own place solidified our relationship in ways that we couldn't have anticipated.
February/March 2007: The BIG Apartment. My parents started renovations to our house. There were 5 adults and a baby sharing one small bathroom. A friend in our ward offered us a temporary place to stay while the renovations were "finished".
May 2007: The Ghetto Apartment. Once it became painfully obvious that the renovations were far from being finished, we decided to find a small place to rent. We found a basement apartment with industrial flooring and a really tiny bathroom. Most of our stuff stayed in storage, but it was nice to have our own space.
November 2007: Back with the 'Rents. Six months pregnant, no longer able to fit in the shower at the ghetto apartment, and with the assurance that the apartment at my parents was only "weeks" away from being done, we decided to move back into my parents' house. Our bed was in the living room and there were again 5 adults sharing a bathroom.
February 2008: The "penthouse" apartment. During the renovations to their house, my parents added a two bedroom apartment above their garage. We moved in two weeks before Bug was born. It's beautiful - with hard wood floors, granite tile counter tops and a bathroom that felt like my very own day spa (especially being HUGE and having the super tiny ghetto bathroom so fresh in my memory).
August 2009: A place of our very own. We are no longer renting. If something goes wrong it's our problem to fix. We've painted and personalized, picked up a few less expensive things at Ikea. We have plans and ideas for things we want to do. We're also moving 5 people this time. Most of our moves up to this point have been local, with the bulk of our stuff staying in storage. We've grown our little family and with that comes STUFF. Holy cow... the stuff. It's amazing and overwhelming all at once. I can't wait to have a little time (am I really that delusional?) to unpack and get rid of some of the junk that has accumulated. Until then, I might just lay on the CARPETED floor of my very own house and stare at the boxes and pretty walls.
(ps. there are a few pictures of painted walls on Zee's blog. You can see them here. Also, adorable pics of the boys can be found here too.)
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