Monday, August 31, 2009

iLove my Little Man

Right now I'm listening to Little Man throw a HUGE fit because he doesn't want to go to bed. I'm torn between wanting to let him cry it out and going up there to cuddle him to sleep because it breaks my heart to hear him like this and the screaming is like nails on a chalkboard to my nerves.

Tonight he went downstairs to play and came upstairs a while later with wet pants. (not ever a good thing) He told me that he had gone potty, which is a bit of a problem since there's not a bathroom downstairs. Unfortunately, I knew right away what had happened. Little Man discovered the utility closet and insists that it's a bathroom because there's a drain in the floor. So when I opened the doors, I was faced with an amazing spray of pee... all over the plastic hose cover, the ladder and the unfinished wall board (btw, is there a way to clean pee that has already soaked into the unfinished wall board or do i need to suck it up and paint it with KILZ?). I made Little Man clean it up himself (as much as I could for a 3 yr old.) and now I need to get a lock for the door. What is it with boys and pee? I don't get it.

On an up side...
- When I came down for breakfast this morning he was sitting at the table with Wil and said, "mommy, would you like to join us?" It was super sweet.
- He likes to tell me secrets, whispered into my ear and almost always it's "I love you".
- He sings. A lot. And makes up his own songs, like "the wise man built his choo choo upon the rock". But he also picks up what he hears Zee and I listening to. Today it was Backyardigans and the iCarly theme song (and yes I'm admitting to watching that show enough that my child knows the theme song).
- He picked out a bird feeder today and is eagerly waiting for the "burds" to come and visit. He does this by pounding on the sliding glass door by the feeder.
- He calls the mantis, Mrs. Mantis, and talks to her every time we go in or out. She's still creepy.
- At the farm market today, he saw their cows and happily announced to the store..."Look, Mommy, it's STEAK ON LEGS!"

And now he's asleep....

1 comment:

Mimi said...

I can't believe how much I am missing!

So how big is Mrs Mantis?