Sunday, August 23, 2009

That's how we roll

Today was our first official Sunday in our new ward. Between my parents visiting and Stake meetings it was the first time we really got to introduce ourselves and since I've been REALLY missing my old ward and our friends there, I was anxious to make a good first impression.

Wil asked Little Man to take our tithing to the Bishop. Just as Little Man walked away, envelope in hand, the Bishop stands up to conduct. While the Bishop is talking, Little Man makes it to the pulpit and turns around... not to come back to his seat, but because he has realized that there's a long ramp on the other side of the chapel. He quietly walks up the ramp to the Bishop, hands him the envelope, heads back to the ramp and decides to be a race car. I'm pretty sure you can imagine what that entails. A very nice sister grabbed him and pointed him back in the right direction. I may have been hiding under the pew and/or using my "whisper voice" to tell my husband to "please go get your son!"

In Sunday School, I got the giggles. It's Zee's fault.

In Relief Society, I was given the task of introducing Zee and I to the ladies (most of whom were MUCH older). I did the usual thing... this is where we're from, this is where our new house is, our kids, they often match so I can find them both, yeah... I think I ended the whole thing with "cause that's how we roll". I'm not sure where it came from. Zee said it was charming. I'm trying to believe her.

After Relief Society I was asked if Zee was my daughter. Now I realize that I've gotten that question before in my life, but it was when I was 11 and she was 1... it was a stretch then and now... seriously? I don't think I look that old.

Last of all, Zee had to remind me to pick up my kids from nursery. Little Man attached himself to one of the young women in our last ward. Each Sunday after sacrament meeting, she would come and get him, take him to the bathroom, drop him off in the nursery and then go to her class. After church she would go straight from her class to the nursery and would then come and find me. It was awesome. At some point I would have realized that it's now my job again.

I did sign up to bring cupcakes to Enrichment, that will make it all better... Right?


Mimi said...

Don't be so hard on yourself. It all sounds charming! I am sure you look very human and approachable to the rest of the people. No one appreciates people who come off perfect and untouchable. Except maybe a bunch of snobs! you don't need that! LOL

Julie N. said...

I miss you guys!!!! You have an adorable family :-)