Friday, August 21, 2009

When I should be unpacking...

Instead I redesign my blog. Talk about procrastination. Or maybe it's having a project that I can finish in a short period of time. Unfortunately, I can't find the cord to get all the pictures off of our camera... and the memory card is full.

A lot of my projects are like that right now. I want to get z done, but first I have to do x & y but in order to do that I need just one more trip to the stuff-mart. Here's where you're thinking, "welcome to home ownership. the fun is just beginning." I get it. At the very least I get the need for a couch. Ours won't fit up the stairs.

And now I'm just getting whiny and complaining... which is part of the reason why this space has been neglected.

I'm not good with change and this one has been a doozy! So in an effort to fight off the "I don't like change or chaos and would like to hide in my bed" feeling, my background is now purple. And here are my top 10 things I'm grateful for today (in random order):

1. leftovers from one of my favorite dinners
2. finding things on sale (less than half price!)
3. knowing that a trip to the stuff-mart won't take me all day
4. seeing the kitchen counter tops
5. date night!
6. Netflix instant queue
7. a playroom
8. random you tube videos that make me laugh until I think I might wet my pants
9. hanging out with my sister
10. seeing a project get finished


Lin said...

winkie face!

Megs said...

I did the same thing with the blog redesign. I should be packing for Indiana, but I spent inordinate amounts of time getting myself a new template, because hey, new state = new template, right?

Good luck in the new house!