Friday, September 18, 2009


Little Man has hit that age where he's making up his own words. Some are fun and silly. A lot of them are a variation on the word "poop", but our favorite by far is "coo-coo-pot".

Tonight we used this word to refer to one of the designers on Project Runway... she was definitely a little coo coo.

Little Man has been asking for a pet for over a year now. Randomly he will start crying because he doesn't have a pet. Last week he just had to have a lamb, a few weeks ago it was a pig, at some point he wanted a giraffe... today he saw pictures of puppies online and we're toast. At some point he's not going to accept stuffed animals as a substitute for real ones, but until that day I'm willing to break the bank on webkins, beanie babies or any other puppy dog substitute.

I'm thinking about starting a weekly post... meet our stuffed animals. I could go for months without posting the same one twice. It's kinda scary.

Bug bumped his head today on the wall behind the sofa. The bump was followed by the following conversation:
Me: Did you bonk your head?
Bug: yeah
Me: Do I need to kiss it?
Bug: yeah
He pats his head, leans over and I give kisses to his head. He would then lean over until his head touched the wall, look at me and say "bonk" (or something that sounded pretty close) then he would wait until I kissed it and repeat the whole thing all over again. If he's acting a little coo-coo-pot tomorrow, we'll all know why.

In the midst of our move, we met my grandparents for lunch and talked about Little Man's desire for a pet. A couple weeks later, my parents met up with my grandparents to have lunch with them and check in. During the conversation, my grandmother told my mom, "If I had know that Lauren wanted a dog, I could have gotten her a cocker spaniel when Pepper Duke passed away." Um, Pepper Duke died before I was born. But thanks for the thought Gram.

This past weekend I took the boys down to my parents house, upon on return home on Wednesday, I found a mantis INSIDE the house. There are some bugs I can handle (and by handle, I mean put a bowl or bin over top of them until Wil comes home and can take care of it) and others just freaked me out. Like the jumpy spider things we used to get in our townhouse in Annandale - Yuck! The mantis falls into that category. I'm staying as far away as possible... finding one in the house freaked me out. And since I was trying not to freak out the boys as I keep one eye on them and one on the mantis napping between the blinds and the window, pick up the phone and call my husband. Honestly, if he worked more than a mile away, I wouldn't have... I would have been a nervous wreck all afternoon, but I would have done it. Thank goodness, Wil's boss took pity on me. Within 15 minutes, he came home, rescued me from the mantis and was back at work. He's a good man.

This was a different mantis from the one that was living on the light outside the door. How can I tell? Smaller and no ginormous belly fully of baby manti (would that be the correct plural of mantis?). She's been gone for over a week now and I'm hoping she went far away to have those babies.

1 comment:

Heidi Totten said...

As soon as you mentioned that it was in the house I thought of those jumpy spider things. Creepy! My kids beg me for a pet weekly. Just say no. If you get a pet, you have just added another kid to clean up after and by clean up I mean poop. :) Always falls on the mom to do it!