Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sometimes I feel like a nut

Tonight, we went to our first Book Club meeting. Since Zee and I are forcing our need to be social onto others, we felt it was important to attend. Next month, we'll be hosting... so we'll see how that goes. So after the discussion of how we wanted to set up our book club and some minor guidelines as to how this would work, we started to chat. We talked about jobs and job searches, kids and wacky eating habits, likes and dislikes and at some point I started to wonder.... do these ladies think I'm crazy? a bad mom? a total nerd? Am I that obnoxious kid that always says, "where I used to live, we did this...."?

My parents have lived in the same house for 32 years, I didn't have to be the new kid until I was in college and I wasn't very good at it. It took me 4 years to find really good friends, before that there was just a lot of awkwardness.

So now my fingers are crossed and there are a lot of prayers being said that we can make new friends in our new place.


Amy said...

I think being new is difficult, no matter how many times you've done it. I thought you always had a wonderful way of making friends! Thinking of you and hoping you find a kindred spirit there in your new home!

Jen said...

You were a wonderful new friend to me when we were both new! I think if you just continue just being your wonderful self, folks will see that and be drawn to it.