Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A few of my favorite things?

This weekend Wil finally convinced me to get rid of our old phones (and bad service) and upgrade to his dream... an iPhone. We've been arguing for months about our "need" for new phones, but that's a post for another day. So we don't have a couch, but we have shiny new toys and now I'm faced with all kinds of new features and options... most of which are putting my brain on overload. You see, unlike my sister and husband too, I'm having a hard time finding what I really like. I'm rarely the one who discovers a new artist, sites like facebook that ask for your favorite music/movies/books leave me stumped. I look through iTunes wondering if I'll suffer buyers remorse for downloading a whole album. I see my playlists of 80's music, Backyardigans, Yo Gabba Gabba and Joshua Radin, then I feel stuck. Maybe in the 80's... maybe in a search for kids music that doesn't make my brain feel like it's melting away. Where do I go from here? Usually, it's my sister's music library... today it's up to you. I'm asking for your help... give me some ideas, thoughts, suggestions. What do you listen to? What helps you keep your sanity in the midst of the chaos?

1 comment:

Meg said...

Lin will be the first to tell you that my music taste tends toward the very chill and occasionally depressing, but I'm going to give you some suggestions anyway. :)

1) stellastar* - They sound like they come out of the 80s, but I love them without liking much 80s music, so I think you could like them. You can listen to the song "Love and Longing" here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfr4Gh5SsrM
I've listened to all of Harmonies for the Haunted, and it's all good.

2)Andrew Bird. He might actually be my favorite right now. He's fun and innovative, he whistles, he plays the violin, he doesn't sing any cheesy love songs, and he uses words like "glean" and "aloof" without sounding like a moron. Here's a music video of a favorite.
I recommend the albums "Armchair Apocrypha" and "Noble Beast" over the more bizarre "Mysterious Production of Eggs."

3)Lisa Hannigan - she used to sing with Damien Rice and has gone off on her own now. It's really lovely, relaxing stuff.

Other people I'm currently loving: Fleet Foxes, The National, Republic Tigers, Carla Bruni (yes, the first lady of France), Grand Archives, Spoon, Aqualung, Neko Case and Chris Merritt.

Good luck!