This is what I journaled in his scrapbook,
"When you were 10 days old, you started to get a stuffy nose and then a really yucky cough. Mommy didn't like how it sounded so we called the doctor. He told us to take you to the Emergency Room at Children's Hospital. It was midnight when we got there and the doctors started running tests to see what was wrong. The nurse took some blood and put a tube up your nose to get the yuckies out. They found out that you had a respiratory virus called RSV and told us that you would need to stay in the hospital. The nurse took us to another room where another nurse started an IV line. The doctors were worried that you would get dehydrated and they wanted to be able to give you medicine if you got worse. The nurse put the IV in your wrist and then put a piece of cardboard on your arm so you couldn't pull out the tubes. You hated having that thing on your hand because you couldn't put your hand back in your mouth.

Finally at 5 o'clock in the morning they took us to your room. They dressed you in a orange hospital gown with a dog on the front. They called him “Hospital Hound”. Then they put you in a big metal crib with an oxygen tent to help you breathe. We were there for 3 days while they watched you to make sure you were eating enough and that you were getting enough oxygen.

Mommy stayed at the hospital with you the whole time. Daddy and Grandma both came and stayed with you too. Miss Rachel and Miss Dari came to visit and brought Mommy a Frosty. We were only allowed to told you when you were eating, but you were a VERY good boy. You didn't cry or fuss, even though you felt so yucky. Everybody was worried about you and wanted you to get better. Once you were able to breathe for 6 hours without the oxygen tent, the doctor let us bring you home. You were so happy to have the IV taken off of your hand. We were all happy to have you home again."
Baby Bear - Day 11
For the last few days Baby Bear's eyes have been yucky. I didn't think much of it, since Little Man has a blocked tear duct that produced the same goopy eye. So as I've nursed Baby Bear I have diligently massaged his eyes hoping to help clear his tear ducts. Today after a quick trip to Stuff Mart for motrin to kick Little Man's fever, I came home to Wil and a very unhappy Baby Bear. His right eye was red and completely swollen shut. We called the doctor and he saw us right away... SEVERE conjunctivitis in both eyes. He got a shot of antibiotics, we have ointment to put in his eyes and a follow up appointment tomorrow. These pictures were taken 4 hours after his shot. The swelling has gone down and he can open his eye again.
And people said I was paranoid to worry about Baby Bear getting sick... Thank goodness this one didn't have to go to the hospital.
Awe, poor little guy. His eye looks like it's painful. I'm so glad we have modern medicine that treats such things quickly and without having to make an ER visit. I can totally understand you being a little "paranoid". What mom wouldn't be? Hope he gets feeling better soon.
Oh man -- you've had a rough go at it! I didn't realize things started out so rocky with Little Man also. I'm glad to hear the baby is doing a bit better and hope he recovers quickly.
Our little guy picked up staph MRSA in the hospital as a newborn and it was totally frightening. The doctors were convinced it was more of a problem for those around him, but I was pretty on edge. Thankfully things all worked out in the end ... though it did take him six weeks to regain that one pound he lost in the first five days of life.
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