Thursday, May 22, 2008

48 hours - A Recap

6:30 am: Little Man crawls in bed with me.
6:50: Shower
7:15-9:15: Wil leaves for work. Finish getting ready, get Baby Bear bathed and dressed, Little Man dressed, breakfast and out the door.
9:30: Baby Bear's appointment for his 2 month check up
9:40: spend the next hour repeating the phrases, "please don't climb on that", "please don't open that", "that's not for you", "no, jumping on the scale please", "mommy said no", and "I SAID NO!" while trying to talk to the Doctor about Baby Bear.
10:30: Baby Bear had 4 shots.
10:40: Put Baby Bear in the van while Little Man crawls to the back seat. Try to convince Little Man to get in his seat. Give up. Crawl into the van, wrestle Little Man back to the front and buckle a screaming child into his seat.
10:55: Pull into the Walmart parking lot and briefly wonder if this is really a smart idea.
10:55-11:30: Push two children through the store while they take turns screaming for various reasons. Little Man's favorite being "Stuck. No buckle in, Mommy!"
11:30-12:30: Meet Zizi at McDonald's so Little Man could run around the PlayPlace and I could have a short break.
12:45: Threaten small child with bodily harm if he does not walk up the stairs, "right this minute"
1:00: Diaper changes and nap time
1:00 - 3:00: Repeatedly remind Little Man that it is naptime and he needs to play in his room if he is not going to sleep. Finally lock door so he can't come out. Feel guilty for locking him in. Cuddle Baby Bear who has decided that he only wants to sleep if being held, watch Bones season finale, check blogs and talk to Mimi.
3:00-3:30: Feed Baby Bear and let Little Man out of his room.
3:30-5ish: Hope that Wil will be able to leave work at 5. Placate Little Man with snacks and TV shows while trying to get Baby Bear to stop crying.
5-6:30: Repeat the phrases, "Please don't touch your brother", "let him sleep", "Leave the swing alone" and "I SAID LEAVE HIM ALONE."
6:30-8: Feed Baby Bear and retreat downstairs for moral support. Have chinese carry-out for dinner. Let Little Man play with his trains and Zizi cuddle a very fussy Baby Bear.
8-10: Put Little Man to bed. Watch AI with Zizi while taking turns trying to comfort Baby Bear.
10-11:30: Get Baby Bear to sleep. Fall asleep in the big chair. Give Baby Bear his bottle. Fall back to sleep. Pump. Get ready for bed. Crash.
2 something: Feed Baby Bear
5 something: Baby Bear wakes up. Wil takes care of him cause it's only been 2 hours since he ate. Have bad dream thanks to the episode of Bones I watched.
5:45-6:30: Little Man wakes up and crawls in bed with me. Vaguely remember him playing blocks on my face and reading books.
6:30-7:15: Feed Baby Bear. Hang out in bed while Little Man watches the guys load and unload trailers from the bedroom window.
7:15-12:45: Change diapers, watch "Matilda", the boys take turns crying, Baby Bear falls asleep on my lap, try desperately not to fall asleep too, become a human jungle gym. Feed Baby Bear twice. Make lunch.
1:00: NAPTIME! Little Man falls right to sleep. It's a miracle!
1:05: Baby Bear is wide awake with no signs of napping. Try to calm Baby Bear until he finally falls asleep.
2:00: Cue Hallelujah Choir... I'm finally getting a nap.
2:45 - 4ish: Baby Bear wakes up. I realize quickly that 45 minutes was just enough to make me even more exhausted than I already was. Feed Baby Bear and watch something on TV. Little Man wakes up and crawls onto the other side of my lap. We watch movie trailers on iTunes for G rated movies. Realize I've made a huge mistake by introducing singing chihuahuas to Little Man.
4ish: Zizi shows up with chocolate and cuddles my kids.
5:30-8: Wil gets home early. We have scrambled eggs for dinner and he works on projects in the apartment. Most importantly the light filtering blinds in the boys' room.
8-9:30: Fold clothes. Help Wil clean up dinner. Discuss Little Man's sleeping issues as we take turns putting him back in his bed.
9:30-10:30: Get Baby Bear's bottle ready. Feed him. Pump. Get ready for bed. Crash.
3something: Feed Baby Bear. He's really fussy, so Wil takes him to try and get him back to sleep.
5:30: Little Man wakes us up and crawls into bed with me while Wil gets ready for work.
6:30: Send Little Man back to his room because he's jumping on my head.
6:45: Shower and pray that today is not like yesterday.
7:30: Realize that it is.


Amy said...

Oh friend...I'm not happy that this has been happening to you, but can I say I'm relieved that I'm not the only one? Yaks has been a nightmare and wakes up at the CRACK of dawn too! Then he's cranky by about 10 because the kid has GOT to be so, so tired! He's into everything as well, and I am constantly trying to control my temper when he is naughty or doesn't listen to me. Oh, and the going to bed routine...don't EVEN get me started.

Man oh man, and I don't have a fussy Baby Bear to boot. I'm sorry! Does it help that I just got back from visiting teaching, and I think the lady I visited wants me to never show my face at her house again? "Yaks, don't touch those candles." "Yaks, get off the table." "Yaks, don't touch the piano!" "Yaks, we're not going upstairs right now!" AHHHHHH!!

Heidi Totten said...

I learned a trick with Goose. I always have a bag of dumdum lollipops in my purse. And I know how to use them. Bribery works wonders.