Monday, May 12, 2008

Catching up

I keep thinking of things I need to blog and haven't had the time to sit down and do it. So here it goes...

*Last Sunday one of Zizi's friends was quizzing Little Man on his animal noises and after asking him about a few different animals asked, "What does Little Man say?". He stopped, thought about it and replied, "Please!".

*Friday night we were out to dinner and Little Man was sitting next to me in a highchair. Baby Bear was getting restless and we were trying to get the bill taken care of before one of the boys went into full meltdown. I leaned over to tell him something and he said, "Come here Mommy, Hear me." He put one hand on either side of the back of my neck, pulled me over so our foreheads were touching and started talking. I know there was something about a motorcycle he saw in the parking lot, but I'm not sure what else. It was a rare moment for the two of us, since I often feel like I spend my day telling him no, being ignored or issuing orders for timeout.

*Little Man has named our new minivan "Herbie", after the Love Bug. Unfortunately, it's the Lindsey Lohan version that he loves. And believe me I've tried to get him to watch the classic Disney Herbie, but he shows very little interest.

*I totally scored at a yard sale this weekend. I found a double stroller, exersaucer, booster seat, clothes for both boys, infant toys, 3 dvds, 2 awesome wooden puzzles and a Thomas pop up train... all for the cost of a new exersaucer.


Amy said...

"Hear me" that is too cute. Way to go on the yardsale! You totally scored. I'd love a double stroller.

Trish and Matt said...

Yes, congrats on the good finds at the yard sale. As you know, there's nothing I love more than super duper deals!

I didn't get a double stroller 'til Blue was almost a year and by then the need was almost gone. I'm so glad you got one sooner!