Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a wonderfully busy weekend. I'm still exhausted but it was totally worth it. Saturday we worked in the apartment and went swimming with friends. Sunday we spent the afternoon at my grandparents house. It was a perfect day. Little Man and Grandad
Zizi will post more pictures soon, I hope. Monday we decided to take the kids downtown. We packed a picnic lunch and headed into DC. We gave Little Man the choice of seeing the cars, airplanes or dinosaurs. He picked the dinosaurs (Natural History Museum):

"Have it, please?"

We also checked out the Mammal exhibit. He loved seeing all the animals. We really need to take him to the zoo.

Hunting like the bats.

This is what J-Bug thought of the trip:
He slept through most of they day. Thank goodness I had the sling with me. It wasn't such a great look for me, but the kids were happy.
We did manage to time it well and headed home before we had any meltdowns. We spent the afternoon at a cookout with some friends. Little Man loved their pool and we enjoyed having a chance to relax. The whole weekend was a good mix of work and play.... we need more weekends like this one.


Amy said...

A few things:
1.) You look so cute! Love your hair, your outfit, everything.
2.) How do you like that "sling"? I've heard good things abt them, but have never used one.
3.) I miss living so close to the museums. Sigh.
4.) Awe, Granddad. :)

laurenthequeen said...

I didn't like the sling with Little Man. He liked to lay down inside it and it killed my back. Bug likes to be upright inside it, so I can wear it up higher and tighter. That means less strain on my back. With his reflux it's been a blessing to have!

ps. I'm wearing Lin's clothes.

Lin said...

k, so i like the pictures of bug sleeping while we are holding him...he always looks like he is clinging on for dear life like we are going to drop him...and his face is so distressed looking...he's serious even when he sleeps.

good thing he giggles and talks so much otherwise i would worry about his sense of humor.

did i mention your kids are freakin' adorable? true story.