Thursday, May 1, 2008

The last half hour...

1. Baby Bear wakes up and wants to eat.
2. Turn on Veggie Tales for Little Man.
3. Start to nurse Baby Bear.
4. Burp Baby Bear.
5. Baby Bear poops. Up the back. Out the side. Everywhere.
6. Try to remove Baby Bear's outfit.
7. Realize that there is no way to avoid a bath. It's that gross.
8. Start water running in the bathroom sink.
9. While waiting for warm water, extricate Baby Bear from the nasty outfit.
10. Begin to bathe Baby Bear.
11. "Bath time now, Mommy?"
12. Start bath water in the tub.
13. Wash Baby Bear's neck and belly.
14. Undress Little Man and put him in the tub.
15. Back to Baby Bear who is still in the sink.
16. Stop because I forgot the bubbles.
17. Wash Baby Bear's head and back.
18. Grab towel for Baby Bear.
19. Turn off water in the tub.
20. Take Baby Bear into bedroom to get him dressed.
21. Phone rings.
22. Finish dressing Baby Bear, while trying to call Mom back.
23. Start nursing Baby Bear, again.
24. "Poopy potty!" "Poopy potty!"
25. Walk back to bathroom with Baby Bear still attached.
26. Realize that "poopy potty" doesn't mean that Little Man wants to use his potty, but that he pooped in the tub.
27. Put Baby Bear in his car seat.
28. Grab diaper, clothes, towel and Little Man.
29. Get Little Man dressed.
30. Clean poop out of the tub.
31. Finally finish nursing Baby Bear.
32. Grateful that I had enough sleep last night that the whole episode made me laugh.


Amy said...

Man, I'm so glad that you had a good night's sleep, cause that's enough to make even a well-rested mom bawl her eyes out! Way to go, Mama Train!

Unknown said...

Wow! 30 minutes! Good thing your sense of humor was able to keep it a happy time. I'm hoping that your day doesn't repeat itself in my future. I've had my share of the poop-so-bad-that-the-outfit-might-not-be-salvageable-but-I'm-gonna-try-anyway-and-I-need-a-hose-to-clean-the-baby-off days. They're great!