Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Attack of the germs! The Sequel...

It has been exactly 8 day since I wrote about all of our germs. In that 8 days we have been to the doctor's office 3 times and filled 3 prescriptions for antibiotics. We've had a sinus infection, a double ear infection, fevers, the flu and another puking incident. I will eventually learn that when Little Man runs a temp over 100 he won't feel better until he pukes. At that point the fever will break and he'll be ready to eat and will want to play. This also means that when I take him to the doctor with a fever, I need to go prepared. Unfortunately, I learned this lesson a little too late.

Spring, please come quick!


Amy said...

Amen, sister. Spring CANNOT come fast enough!

Mimi said...

I am ready for it

MaggieBrown said...

I have a recommendation for you. I haven't been sick in over a year because of a new product for kids called Germy Wormy. Before that, it was nasty like you are living through.

Give kids a PLACE to give their germs to – instead of you!