Thursday, October 11, 2007

Daisies a doozy

If you haven't watched last night's episode, then I don't want to spoil it for you too much. I'll just sum it up in my three favorite things:
1. Olive bursting into from the Grease soundtrack. I love this show even more.
2. Kissing
3. A character dressed up as a huge dandelion.


Lin said...

that's the hair i want. right there. also, i can't wait to watch this episode.

Amy said...

Okay, she was on Ellen yesterday and totally cracked me up! She said she got a haircut because she accidentally set her hair on fire while throwing up in her toilet with a lit candle on the back of the toilet seat. Oh, hilarious! Thanks for not giving the episode away. I haven't seen it yet.

Lin said...

do you know, when my hair was long, i used to worry about that happening! haha. i still always move lit candles off the back of the toilet even though there's no possible way for my hair to even get close to the flame.

laurenthequeen said...

Now I know that I really am crazy. I never really considered this a "fear". I have always thought catching your hair on fire from a lit candle on the back of the toilet was a concern that every girl has. Do they not? I'm not sure that I would think about when running to throw up, but on a normal day, I move the candle. Is this just super OCD of me?

Lin said...

well I think you're normal. but that's not really saying much. haha.

Amy said...

Actually, Josh turned to me while watching it (recorded) and said, "You know, I bet that happens (catching hair on fire w/ a candle in the bathroom) more than we realize."