Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Holiday Treats?

When I was pregnant with Little Man, the "eating for two" excuse was great during the holidays. If there was a treat I craved then I usually found a way to make or buy it. I wish I could say the same with this baby. There's no way to know if I have some kind of stomach virus or if the morning sickness has come back to haunt me, but it's seriously taking the fun out of Christmas treats. At my doctor's appointment this morning I found out that at 29 weeks, I've already lost all of my "baby weight" and I'm now working on the pounds left over from Little Man. Of course this is by no means out of choice. If there was a Kneaders I could get to within any reasonable distance, there would be cheesecake... chocolate and strawberry! No matter what the repercussion.


Lin said...

I hate not being able to really enjoy Christmas treats - remember that Christmas I was sick and everyone just happened to make all of my favorite things, and although i tried to enjoy, i was never successful? yeah. i feel your pain.

we could make a new christmas treat tradition and only eat toast and crackers....

Amy said...

I'm so sorry. I can't imagine being "that kind of sick" during any major food holiday. I wish we could figure out what is wrong and make it better. They say morning sickness is the sign of a really healthy baby...?

Heidi Totten said...

I went to Kneaders tonight and thought of you as I perused the cheesecake. I didn't get any, though. I'm so sorry that you are dealing with tummy issues still. I hope it goes away in time for Christmas day!

mimi said...

When I was pregnant with Wil and his siblings if I did not get enough rest or was stressed morning sickness came to stay. With you just moving and trying to get ready for Christmas you probably are lacking sleep and stressed. Hope you can find the time to rest and relax.

Trish and Matt said...

Yikes! It's so not fair to be sick during the holidays. I hope you get better soon.