Monday, December 17, 2007

The little things in life

We had a rough night last night, Little Man is having a hard time transitioning to a new room and new noises. I was hoping this morning that he would sleep in so I could too. Unfortunately it didn't happen. But I'm trying to not be so negative and find a little more of the Christmas spirit. So this is my list of things I'm grateful for this morning:

"I'll get Little Man so you can take a shower."- I think these are my most favorite words ever! Thank you Grandpa. And he even changed a diaper, something Grandpa hates to do.

Wil unpacking all of the bathroom stuff so I didn't have to search this morning to be able to take a shower. But especially the Mandarin Grapefruit shower gel that smells so good and helps me feel awake.

My mom's turkey and stuffing! We had a small repeat of Thanksgiving dinner yesterday, thanks to Grandma's hard work and the sales at Safeway. I was even able to eat a little for lunch and dinner without getting sick. That also means that today we get turkey sandwiches!!!

2 more days before presents HAVE to be in the mail to Texas. I have two more presents to make. Hopefully I can get them done during naptime or after Little Man goes to bed tonight.

And last, but not least... NAPTIME!


Amy said...

I need to do this more as well. Thanks for the reminder. I thought of you all weekend - hoping that the move went smoothly. Here's hoping Little Man gets used to his new environment soon! Also glad you are feeling better!

Heidi Totten said...

Sometimes you really do have to focus on the little things!