Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Movin' on up

We are officially done with the ghetto apartment. We started last Friday, getting all of the storage stuff out and as much as the big furniture as we could. Susie had Little Man Friday evening and our plan had been to go over and get stuff packed. Unfortunately, dinner didn't settle well and I spent the evening sick. That made Saturday totally chaotic. But we got it done! We hired a lady from our ward to come over and clean the place. I knew I wasn't going to be able to tackle something like that and we needed to make sure we got our security deposit back. And it was well worth it! She made that place look better than it was when we moved in. So good in fact that our landlady wrote us a check on the spot.

Now we have to tackle the mess here. Figure out where we are going to put stuff until the apartment is done (hopefully only a few more weeks!) and find the stuff we use on a regular basis.... so if anyone sees my hair stuff, let me know. Otherwise the next few weeks could get scary.

1 comment:

Heidi Totten said...

Yay! No more ghetto apartment! :) I hope you find your stuff and get settled quickly!