Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Stomach Flu vs. Morning Sickness

Ladies, I need your help/suggestions. It's been over a week now since I've been able to stomach a decent meal. I don't know if my first trimester morning sickness has come back or if it's just a long running stomach virus of some sort. Either way I'm starting to get worried about the baby and I both getting enough of what we need. The throwing up isn't a problem like it was last week, but any food on my stomach makes me queasy for hours. A chicken sandwich for lunch yesterday, sent me to bed for the rest of the day. Thank goodness Wil was home from work, packing for our move.

Any ideas or suggestions on what might help baby and mommy to stay healthy and hydrated?


Amy said...

Whether it's one or the other, I'm SO SORRY. I'll give you the menu I ate during my first trimester: scrambled eggs, toast & cold cereal. Stomach flu is much the same: chicken noodle soup, toast, 7-up, soda crackers. Have you called your OB? What does he say? Is there cause for concern?

laurenthequeen said...

I talked to my OB today. She offered an anti-nausea medication but it would Knock. Me. Out. No driving, no heavy machinery, etc. I guess Little Man would qualify as heavy machinery. So that's out of the question. Other than that she said I was doing all I could and to stick to familiar foods.