Friday, February 15, 2008

The light at the end of the tunnel

We are moving into the apartment tomorrow! I've been thinking that I should take pictures of our before and after living situations so you guys could see, but I think the before might be too depressing to share. The after on the other hand is magnificent! There are still some cosmetic things that need to be done (floor molding, closet doors, knobs on the cabinets, closet systems...) but I have a feeling that will take a while. And I'm ok with that. I'm so dang excited about having my own space, I don't know how to express it. So here's a list of things I'm most looking forward to:

* Only sharing a bathroom with Wil!
* Granite tile kitchen counters and the coolest kitchen sink I have ever seen.
* a purple and cream bedroom
* getting my stuff out of storage for the first time in 4 (maybe 5) years. I'm guessing there's stuff in there that I don't even remember having.
* our super cool dishes with the square plates
* a bedroom door that closes
* washer and dryer in the apartment that we don't have to share
* hanging our own pictures on the walls
* and did I mention - PRIVACY!

It's still going to be a lot of work and chaos, getting things moved and unpacked, helping Little Man get used to his new space and a new baby coming soon. I'm sure we'll still be finding our stuff mixed in with my parents' months from now. But in the meantime, we have our own space to call home.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hooray! Do take pictures of the before and after. I want to see. If you don't want to post, mail 'em to me. I wish I would have taken some of our "situation".