Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Our "New House"

We are working on day 4 at our new apartment. It's very slow going, with Wil working and trying to get time in for school and me being very limited on what I can do. Moving in has been a lot like having a brand new house, but without a builder that we can bother to finish things. There are definite ups and downs to having your parents as landlords. They have been feeding us all weekend while everything is in chaos, but we've had to go down there to shower while the tile was being sealed. We are also working on the kinks that pop up with a new addition to an older home and I think we are going to find those for a while. There are other things that didn't quite get finished...baseboards, touch-up painting and window trim - luckily the curtains hide most of it and we can deal with it this summer when things have calmed down a bit. Baby J is cooperating nicely by letting me spend more time on my feet and getting 6 or 7 hours of sleep. I'm hoping that if he does decide to come early, he will wait until at least Sunday to join our family. Little Man is struggling with so many changes. He loves the new place and running from the kitchen down the hall to his room saying, "Look, mama, running!" But his sleep schedule is off again while he's getting used to everything. Hopefully we can use the next week or so to get us all on a schedule that we can handle.

I better stop procrastinating... I've got to get the tub rinsed out so my boys can get a shower when they get home from haircuts. I will get some pictures up sometime this week, so you can see how fabulous the place is turning out!


Amy said...

I thought about you all weekend - so excited you are getting settled. Hang in there w/ Little Man. It's a rough adjustment, but better to adjust to his surroundings first and the new baby 2nd. Boo came early I think due to our "move" and me doing the majority of the unpacking, so...be prepared!

Trish and Matt said...

I'm so sorry you have to do this all at once! We had to leave Switzerland when Little Blue was only two weeks old and it was so tough to move, get settled with a new baby, transition the older sibling, etc. I've felt your pain!

I hope all goes well. I'm so glad you have family near to help. Hang in there!