Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

The good...

J-Bug is getting too big too fast. Yesterday was the 3 month mark and he's weighing in at 13 lbs. His rolls are starting to get rolls. This weekend he learned to hold onto one of his rings, ROLLED OVER and has started teething (that part could technically fall under the bad category).

We spent the day with Grandmother yesterday. Little Man was so precious with her. She's not doing well and he was very careful and aware of her all day. He climbed up on her big chair and cuddled with her. Later she showed him how the buttons moved her chair up and down. He spent a half an hour "riding" the chair with her.

The bad...
  • Kitty Corolla is asserting her independence and has decided that she has had enough. The prospect of TWO car payments: Very. Bad.
  • Grandmother is having surgery on Thursday. I think I'm more worried than I have been willing to admit.
  • TEETHING at 3 months
The Ugly...

I came across this picture from a year ago. I knew I didn't like how these pictures turned out, but I didn't realize how bad they really were. Especially compared to the more recent pics. So I'll post one more good thing:


Amy said...

Oh, Grandmother! I'll remember her in my prayers. I hope all goes well.

Little Man is too cute. It's so darling how kids are so perceptive. I want to squeeze Jbug's rolls! Ooooh! Too cute!

YOU have lost weight! I can totally see it in your face. Lookin' good, L-train!

Heidi Totten said...

To this day it makes me sick how gorgeous you are. Not fair! And those boys. I miss Little Man. I hope that everything goes well for Grandmother. It's so hard to watch someone you love go through so much.

Lin said...

i love the way Monkey is looking at you in that picture. he sure loves his mommy.

and Bug has the cutest, chubby legs and squishy, kissy cheeks. and he smells good. and his skin is SO soft. pretty much the cutest, most beautiful baby boy - also sweet.

and now i'm wishing work was over so i could come snuggle him and Monkey