Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Birthday Wishes

My birthday is coming up next month. I'm not so excited about this one, so I thought I would put together a list of birthday wishes... things that would help me look forward to my birthday. Any hints that Wil or the fam want to take from this would be fine too.

1. Dinner with Wil (maybe Maggiano's, Philip's or Sweetwater) and a full night of sleep in my own bed - no kids.
2. Shopping with Zi and Mom - no kids.
3. Dinner out with the girls - no kids. (Are you noticing a theme here?)
4. A giftcard to use while shopping with Zi and Mom to pick out something fun. I like these:

6. The 1 inch curling iron. 7. A cute pair of pants or skirt for church.
8. New swimmy suit
9. A Land's End tote
10. Anything at the spa or from my Amazon wish list
My Amazon.com Wish List

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