Friday, June 27, 2008

No matter where you go, there you are

As I type this my husband is watching Buckaroo Banzai. A couple years ago I saw this DVD on sale in one of those HUGE Stuff-Mart bins of movies and was thrilled to purchase it. Somewhere in the cobwebs of my memory this movie came creeping out. I have fond memories of watching it in the late 80's and loving it. That was 20 years ago. 20. I would like to think that my taste in movies has improved since then, because now I'm a little embarrassed. First of all because I own this movie. Second because we are watching a BAD 80's movie about "A top neurosurgeon, particle physicist, race car driver, rock star and comic book hero.... In the film, his latest experiments open the door to the 8th dimension and unwittingly start an interplanetary battle for the world"(from Wikipedia). Just to review, that's a rock star scientist fighting aliens. Yep. Aliens.


Heidi Totten said...

No way - I LOVE Buckaroo Bonzai! And Ishtar - but I'm weird like that.

Lin said...

whatever! Buckaroo Bonzai was one of the best purchases ever made! and no embarrassment because you bought it for it's sentimental and campy value.

i'm sad i missed watching it.

also - you bought it the summer i lived with you in virginia which was also the summer of the lizzie maguire movie, truly madly deeply, and mom quoting you've got mail. good times.

ArcLight said...

To quote a wise man - "Everybody need see Buckaroo Banzai."

Make sure you pick up the new comics to see what the gang has been up to since then.