Saturday, June 28, 2008

HAIR! - Updated

I'm shedding. The postpartum, big clumps of hair, shedding. I was expecting it, although it still freaks me out a little to see such huge amounts of hair in the shower. And even though I have a LOT of hair, I'm still afraid the shedding won't stop and I'll find bald spots on my head. But that's another post on irrational fears. This irrational fear belongs to my son. Little Man hates hair. It FREAKS. HIM. OUT. If he finds hair anywhere, he will stand pointing at it, yelling, "hair, mommy, hair. get it!" I've lost count of how many times this happens in a day, especially at bathtime. I have no idea what to do to stop it. Suggestions of how to either stop the shedding or the freaking out are more than welcome.

Not more than 10 minutes after writing this I was getting in the shower. Little Man has been sick and very clingy the last couple days, so it didn't surprise me when he wanted to get in the shower too. I don't know what I was thinking when I said yes, but in he climbed. About half way through the process, after I had washed my hair (dutifully checking the drain and removing hair before it became an issue), Little Man spied a hair ball. Holy cow. He FREAKED. He grabbed onto my leg, pointing to the hair, screaming and crying, "hair, hair, hair, MMMMOOOMMMMMMYYY, HHHHAAAIIIIIRRR!" Wil had to come and get him out of the shower to calm him down. We are definitely going to have to have a little chat about the hair and figure out a way to deal with it. I never thought hair could be so traumatizing.


Amy said...

Man, I shed as well - it feels sometimes like my entire head will shed itself. It IS creepy and I hate the regrowth process even more and the baby hair that comes with it.

It's helped with Boo to have a good sit-down talk about it. To show her (the ants) and talk about them, what they are, what they eat, that they won't hurt us, etc. Perhaps he's too young still to have that conversation...

Maybe that Berenstain Bears has a book called, "Scared of Hair"?

Sarah Kathryn said...

Mom and dad take the hair, skin and nails vitamins from Wal Mart. It's even making dad's hair grow where he hasn't had any for YEARS. You might want to try them.