Monday, October 20, 2008

Blogging, International Style

According to Google Analytics, this blog has been visited by people in the United States, Canada, Australia, the UK, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Japan, Italy, the Bahamas, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Brazil and Switzerland. Some of these make sense to me (Hi, Julie!) but others don't at all. If you are in Slovenia and reading this, do I know you? Sri Lanka? Bosnia? Leave a comment. Tell me where you are and how you found my lowly little blog.


Amy said...

You know, one thing to keep in mind (just so you don't get scared that people in foreign countries are stalking you), sometimes searches yield results which lead them to your blog. I posted once about a great homemade bread recipe, and Josh looked up all these hits from everywhere in the world. I love your blog!

Lin said...

my only complaint regarding your blog is the lack of pictures of your adorable sons. i'm not there to share their cuteness with the world - it's your job now. haha. also, i miss their cute faces.

also, sri lanka?! that's kind of awesome.

also number 3, i miss you.

Christy Franklin said...

australia is way awesome...ish.