Friday, January 11, 2008

Count your blessings

We got a call last night that a friend of ours is in the hospital and needed a blessing. Most of the other men in the ward were at a Stake training and Wil had been feeling guilty for not going. Thank goodness he was home to get the call.

Ann is 29 weeks pregnant and has a herniated disk in her back. The pregnancy was already high risk before her back problems started. Now the doctors are trying to figure out how to control her pain and keep the baby from coming before 34-36 weeks. We were able to get to the hospital quickly and spent an hour getting caught up on what they needed and how we could help.

While headed up to Baltimore, I was feeling very ungrateful and whiny. I'm blessed to have my family close and that they are willing to watch Little Man at a moments notice. As difficult as pregnancy might seem st times, I really do have it pretty easy. J 2.0 is healthy and so am I. Little Man is a happy boy. Wil is a fabulous, supportive husband. And I have friends and family that I can rely on when things are difficult. Too often I focus on what's stressful and forget to see all that I've been blessed with.


Lindsey said...

J 2.0. nice to see the name is sticking. haha.

i'm glad wil was able to get up there for ann.

Amy said...

Great reminder. Thanks for that nice post. I hope your friends is doing better. Wil can feel now like he was "inspired" to stay home! :)