Monday, January 28, 2008

Losing a Friend

I found out about President Hinckley's death sometime in the middle of the night when Wil noticed the flashing text messages on his phone. I was very surprised and tried to get my sleepy mind to wrap around what I was hearing. One of my first thought's was for President Monson. My heart goes out to him for losing a friend and knowing of the responsibilities to come, wondering too what that would be like. I thought of the joy President Hinckley must have felt at seeing his wife again and how his family must already miss him.

At some point I fell back asleep and woke to find I was running late for my first Relief Society presidency meeting, since I was called yesterday to be the RS secretary. (I thought I would feel overwhelmed by this, but surprisingly I'm not. It's nice to have work to do without feeling the responsibility of making decisions. Plus the ladies I'm working with are amazing.) It was a great way to start a Monday morning. One of the sister's read President Hinckley's testimony as our spiritual thought... it was perfect. Then coming home and reading the thoughts of my friends and family was again uplifting in the the face of loss. Tonight I tried to explain to Little Man about President Hinckley. At first it was hard to find words I thought he would understand and then I realized that it really was very easy... President Hinckley was a great man who taught us how to be more like Jesus.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Oh, I didn't know that you had gotten a new calling! I would LOVE for you to have been my secretary. I'm sure you'll do a great job. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about President Hinckley.