Thursday, January 31, 2008

What happened to Naptime?

In the last two weeks Little Man has decided that he no longer wants to take a nap. This concerns me for a few reasons. 1. He NEEDS the nap. The evenings when he doesn't take a nap are horrid. Temper tantrums, fits, attitude and talking back like only a 2 year old can do. 2. I need the break so I don't kill the poor child. Plus being 35 weeks pregnant that was my nap time too. Or at least the time when I could slowly get something accomplished.

He isn't being bad. He stays in his crib for 2-3 hours and plays or sings. Right now it's "know-a AB, AB, ABC's". It's the after effects of the lack of sleep that really make it stressful. And there's no rhyme or reason to why he isn't going to sleep. It doesn't matter if we've been home all day, out running errands, or playing with friends. Believe me, I've thought of that. Any suggestions or ideas to get over this? The idea of a newborn and Little Man not taking a nap is just too much.


Trish and Matt said...

Oh, I hope naptime comes back for you soon! My little one gave up her nap a few weeks ago and it's been a tough adjustment for me. Of course she's three and four months, and she's been BETTER behaved since she stopped napping than she was when I was forcing the nap. Obviously Little Man is not quite there yet.

Crossing my fingers he comes back to his senses soon ...

Amy said...

Right, I agree he's not quite ready to give it up. It's often just a phase they go through. He'll get back on track. You may want to make his crib a little more "boring" for him. Not as many stories? No music? Until then, just be glad the baby's not quite here, that he's not climbing out of his crib and that he'll at least give you some quiet time in the afternoon. Hang in there!