Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bring on the clippers

A few of you have asked how I cut the boys hair, so I will do my best to offer a little tutorial. Keep in mind I wasn't planning this when I took the pictures or I would have gotten some more detailed.

1. Buy a set of clippers with guides.
2. Line up your guides by size.
3. Put the highest number guide on the clippers and go for it. I start in the front for a few reasons. First of all, you usually want the hair to be shorter around the ears and back (a smaller guide), this way the clippers do most of the blending for you. Second, the kids get more wiggly as you go, so you can hide the mistakes in the back.
4. Go to the next size guide and work on the sides and back.
5. Change to the third guide and do the nape of the neck and around the ears.
6. Grab the scissors and check for any obvious long hairs that the clippers missed.
7. If you are really lucky, this will be the result:

Bug was great and didn't move at all. Little Man doesn't sit still at all, so this really was pure luck. Little Man always ends up with "spots" where he's moved his head when I wasn't expecting it.
As for the guides... with Bug I used a 6,5 and 4, Little Man is a 4,3 and 2, and Wil is a 4,3,2,1 and flat clippers on his neck. You have to find what works for you. Some people tend to go longer in winter, shorter in summer. I know how to do it one way and that works for me. In the winter we just wait a little longer in between cuts.

Hope this helps! Remember, this is something I've picked up from watching the barber and stylists... the clippers really are the key. Plus, it's just hair and grows back quickly.


Amy said...

You are MY hero! How about you cut my boy's hair for the rest of his life and I'll break Little Man of the binkie. ;)

Mimi said...

Very nice tutorial.

Christy Franklin said...

haha - sounds kinda like what i taught you to do....